Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I haven't used Flickr myself to upload photos. I don't generally take photos very often. I hate photos of myself (I am camera shy) but I know with having a baby we will be taking a lot of photos. We bought a video camera/camera not too long ago for the occasion. I was the 3rd child out of four and there are VERY few photos of me when I was little. Hopefully I will be able to take a lot of her so she won't say the same thing in 20 years! lol This is a photo I took from Flickr from Laurel. I don't know who Laurel is but I love her little kitties. The grey one looks like my cat Rocky. Also my husband has two birds and my cat loves to watch them. I always know what he is thinking lunch! :) I was trying to add the image itself to my blog and it doesn't seem to be working.. so I'll have to try it again later. I did, however, provide the link. SOOO... after asking Tasha why my picture wasn't loading- she realized that Laurel has not given permission to do so. Sad:( I guess she wants to keep her kitty pictures off other people's pages. Anyway use the URL to check out the picture- it is cute! :)

So since I couldn't add that picture.. I added another cute kitty picture:) It's okay it's a Halloween picture! It's cute:)


I just added my thoughts to the 23 things Wiki but I will repeat them here. I have used Wikis for a while now. I have been working with many groups (like HSL for Medical Informatics) that use Wikis to create contnet so that everyone can see and manage. When you aren't in the same location- Wikis work well. There is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of using them-easy to use.


I haven't really used podcasts very often but they are fun. I've never made one before.. maybe in the future:) I added a podcast to my Google Reader page. It was pretty easy to do. I added the Soup. It is an entertainment show and really funny. The host makes fun shows on tv and pop culture. It is on Friday nights on the E network. We didn't used to get it in Canada but now we do.


So I've been very behind in 23 things. It's been busy at work with teaching and CV updates, etc. So now I can catch up! I love YouTube.. what can I say. I use it a lot. I am embedding the Library Ninja video. I saw this years ago (and others) and they made me laugh. I used to take Karate for a while.. so I was a librarian/ninja myself.. but I've never done this in the library to anyone.. I think I'm usually the one the student's are telling to be quiet here at Vet! lol I tried watching the Librarians do Gaga.. mm... I hate to say it but I was slightly embarassed to be a libraian after that.. sorry people at that Library school. Are you trying to make Librarians look like the ultimate geeks? Well I know I have geek in there.. but there is a limit! lol :) Oh BTW Baby girl is 7 months now!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Prezi, oh my!


Well I was away for a week.. it wasn't an exciting holiday but I was able to get rid of a lot of junk out of my place and make room for our baby girl (countdown- less than 3 months now!).
We bought a crib and a few pink items.. lol

So I caught up on Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Prezi. I've used Google Docs before working on various projects with other librarians and it's very handy. I haven't used spreadsheets very often but find it works really well. Prezi was really fun to play with. I've enjoyed looking at people's Prezi ideas. It's another way to view a presentation instead of PowerPoint. Some of the HS librarians and I were looking how we could use the Prezi app on our IPads.. we will have to experiment with it.

Well it's been quiet the past few days as the rest of the staff are gone to LLDP 4. They are back tomorrow:)